Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Phillip and Ann Hinton pay us a visit

We were delighted to have a visit from our friends from Sydney, Phillip and Ann Hinton who were in Israel for a brief time over the weekend. Muna and Allan Waters, who have recently moved to Haifa from Perth, Western Australia were also able to join us - so there was a great deal of intense talk with six Aussies doing some catch -up.


Shingo said...

Edward, I'm enjoying your blog very much, thank you for the updates - love amelia

leila said...

i can't believe how tan ann is. heeee.

and i'm also extremely jelly that you all hung out. i was hoping to see them when i heard that they were here, but i can imagine they only would have had Mwah mwah time for most people.

how gorgeous. i concur very strongly with amelia.

love from leila

Paul Ancheta said...

What a pleasant surprise to tumble on your blog, Mr (and Mrs) Broomhall! You see, I like to tumble. I tumble for ya. Culture, clubbed.

Nice to see familiar faces, places, AND NAMES on this fantastic blog. Thanks, Edward. I am entertained, much like Shingo and Amelia. But they don't tumble like I do. For ya.

:: Paul A.

Paul Ancheta said...

Oh lawd. I need--no, I DEMAND--to connect with the Days to make my days connected. Those were suddenly-gone days.

Edward, you must connect me with the days of your life. Else I shall not retumble. For you.

Wait. Ekim Yad. Woh egnarts. I leef emos sseniree ereht.

V said...

Brooms! Please post from Tasmania, we miss you on the internet! :-) what are you up to???

Big hugs,