Thursday, February 15, 2007

Freeland Gallery, Paddington

Following the advice given by the lady at Willoughby Art Centre, we decided to locate the Freeland Gallery. After consulting a small map we decided to walk from China Town across (up hill) to Paddington. We descovered that there are quite a few well known galleries in Glenmore Road, Paddington where the Freeland Gallery is to be found at number 120.

The owner was very friendly and kindly explained the significance of the pieces currently on show. We enjoyed the work very much. The artists currently exhibiting are Bruce McWhinney, Les Irwig, Anna Choi and Sally James. I particularly liked the clay and fibre wall pieces by Sally James.

I was thrilled to find that there was a pottery piece on display in the gallery by one of my earliest pottery teachers who lived and worked in Hobart - Mylie Peppin.

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