Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Memorial Wall for Cornwall coal miners

On our way to the east coast, we made a detour to the historical coal mining village of Cornwall.
I spent some holidays there when I was a child in the late 1940s. At that time I had an uncle who was the teacher at the school. I just wanted to see if I could recognise the original school house.

In the area that was once the school yard, there is now a Memorial Wall that records the names of all of the people who have worked in the Cornwall coal mines over the years. There were many family names that I remembered. There are some beautiful rose bushes planted on either side of a path that leads to the Wall. Although it was lightly raining, I photographed some of the rose blooms.

A little further up the hill we visited 'Cornwall Collectibles'. We enjoyed our visit to this terrific collection and would recommend a visit if you are a collector. You are sure to find a treasure in this Alladin's cave!

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